
where my life is full of Melodies...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's Thursday!

YAY! It's Thursday oredi! YAY YAY! Friday tomoro & it's gonna be a long weekend ahead coz Monday is Wesak Day! YAY YAY!

Gosh, it has only been 2 weeks in this new company & I'm longing for holidays. Bad sign eh? Heh.

Woke up with a flu today. Made me felt sick & bad mood. Urgh! I hate flu in the morning coz it ruins my whole day... But i took a Clarinase so now hoping my nose (& mood) will get better soon.

Last nite was great. Having my bf with me, juz talking & chit-chatting over everything. That's my usual weekday routine i guess. Makes us understand each other more day by day. Hmm... We flipped through the newspaper for the last 2 days but found no match for his qualification & location for a new job. There's one which suits but it's in Miri. As we do not plan to go anywhere outside Kuching at the moment, so he did not apply for the post.

Despite my family's doing great, my parents' relationship is not doing well. I noticed there has been a cold war between them. They don't talk to each other (i suppose) for quite a while oredi. Last nite, my dad went for his (company?) dinner but without telling my mum about it. Normally my mum would know where he would be going & wat purpose but last nite she kept asking me where my dad's going. I have no idea coz i don care where they're going. LoL.

Ok. Enough for the day. Update later. Good day ahead! :)


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